创世秩序 v59012 第166部分 四人行!!By LoveSkySan69


welcome to guess and you do the auditions or above 166 is complete from

meals and I hope you enjoy let's go guys so yeah let's check where are the girls

hmm here nope we need to find the girls what is this this that's Teton shovel

shaft okay I guess we have all the pieces let's see now we we miss

something hmm wait there's only two places I didn't visit one place is the

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dock but I don't think there is anything of weight no nothing and the second one

isn't real home what is this

hmm wait a second oh what is this no nothing looks like this there was no

birds but now there is two birds like coming from nowhere okay I don't know


strange it's normal what is this one this is your okay wait what was that oh

really you're kidding me well I think it's kidding me guys but I find the

shower also I don't remember it was birds here so this kind of no hmm

anyway let's go unless we find everything now okay let's see how was

your hike it was short but eventful sound exciting I've just not wondering

behind church did you find something a couple of things including an alligator

oh my goodness I thought we were too far north for those that's what I thought

Judy has shown me so much I had no idea the church was so big even the basement

it's just not to going down there yes it's very dark we only discovered it


  • 361
  • 12:06