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hello hello you got my towels thanks so how long have you worked here at the

hotel we make up this bed I had some company last night

How much did she steal?

300 bucks.

That's crazy.

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So you're very upset?


I want you to work at this hotel here in Vegas.

Where are you from? You've got a pretty strong accent.

been there? No I haven't but I've heard a lot about it. I've heard a lot about the

pretty girls and obviously obviously

So I hate to tell you but I made you lost money actually I actually won in

the casino last night pretty big I went around almost a thousand bucks so I'm

happy and you're upset so what you send money home to your family every every

month or something yes I have to that's why I'm so sad right now well maybe I

can help you out since I want so much money

Would that help you out as a pretty good tip?

Oh yeah!

Alright, well do your job, keep cleaning.


I just gave you a tip.

How much do you usually send home?

How much do I need to send?

How much do you usually send home to Brazil?

Do you ever gamble downstairs with your paychecks?

Do you understand what I said?


Do you ever gamble your money downstairs in the casino?

What do you mean gamble?

Gamble like play blackjack or slot machines or anything?


  • 337,954
  • 26:00