夏日传奇 第6部分 - 大学(西班牙奴隶)


Summertime Saga Part 6 (Espanol).

发布者 ZickAsakura

Video Transcription

Usually neat and gentle. This is loopy and raw and I love it.

She clearly doesn't really know what she's doing but neither I do. At least she's trying.

Wow, where did that come from?

Like you say, I was just wimping.

I could see that we won't be long.

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First things first I want to apologize for cutting you and your girl off.

I tried to be polite and wait but when you two started to make out I knew I had to intervene or else I wouldn't be able to get a warden.

It's fine. It's just that was her time doing anything more than a simple kiss.

How did me and her back when I wouldn't started swinging exactly?

It's not that big of deal. We'll just connect this later.

Is your girl here?

No. She stayed behind to help clean out your new place.

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  • 01:47