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重口味 - 6507




It was Remy? No. I am a morning person, we've established this. You weren't up, I heard.

I was up. She was up a minute ago. Was she? Grumble, grumble, grumble. Was I really? You

weren't up right early either. I was up. Were you? I was up at like 6.15. She. Is that early?

That is early. Good morning. Yeah? Yeah. You're the only non-morning person. It's my fault?

You're a non-morning person. I'm on the non-plan plan? Yeah. That's okay, we'll make it. Get

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with the program. Sorry girls. We'll make it. Sorry ladies. We'll be there. We'll have

drinks and forget about it. Oh yeah, drinks. Mark doesn't drink. Are you going to get Mark

*****? Oh, if he doesn't drink, we'll get drunk for you. She says she could drink for

the both of us. Yeah. I'll probably drink a little bit. Oh, you're cutting loose. I

like seeing this. Huh? Cutting loose. Cutting loose? There's a lot of traffic today. Are

you shooting me without my makeup on? Yes, I'm shooting you. This is Remy's first international

flight. Really? Yeah. I just got my passport like a couple, like a week ago, a couple days

ago. You're legit now. Legit. Too legit to quit? Yep. Too legit to quit. Wow, you've

never been out of the country? No. Actually, one time I did go to like Tijuana kind of.


  • 54,608
  • 03:07:03