团体治疗 - 01


Really unobtainable scenes, hot conetnts from many years ago that made the history of world porn, where it all began


It may be bleak and depressing, but as with all social problems, there are answers.

Most notably, the burgeoning practice of psychotherapy, or more specifically, encounter groups of

neighbors and friends conducted in the cities and in the suburbs and run by qualified psychologists

wherein personal conflicts and seemingly insurmountable family problems are routinely dispatched.

There is, of course, a continuing resistance to the practice of psychiatry based on old fears and superstitions,

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most notably in the area of sexuality, far and away the greatest problem area.

But by and large, modern psychologists are dealing with and overcoming these primitive fears, and the future looks bright.

By way of example, we wish to deal herein with three typical problems involving marital conflict, impotency, sexual deviation, and alcoholism,

all based on the inability to face reality, and therefore the inability to take the first step toward health and peace of mind.

The group you see here has consented to a filmization of their individual problems to present to you a vast and anonymous audience in the hopes that some personal identification can be made,

thus paving the way for some of you out there to consider taking the first step, as these persons have done.


  • 1,717
  • 25:02