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Oh, fuck yes.

That's it.

That's the scene.

Cut cuts.

Oh, fuck, yes.

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Oh, God.

I'm gonna let the big girl do it.

Oh, yes.

Oh, fuck yes.

Oh, yes.

Oh, fuck yes.

So glad I called you.


Oh, yes.


What's this?

A little wire.

Sandler plugged it all in for you.


Alright, good, good.

Let's get this out.

I want to sample some of this.

Let's see.

You might have to kick your legs out in front there.

Probably get the angle.

Of course, where there's a heart on, there's a way.

That's the best.

Oh, yes.

Oh, fuck yes.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.

Oh, fuck.

This way?

No, your shoe is in the way.

Oh, my shoe.


Thank you.

Oh, good God.

I'm not going to do it again.

Baby, come on.

You're moving this close, aren't you?

I'm going to be a bitch.

I'm so glad that you're here for me.

I'm gonna have a big cough.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You can take a shower.

I'm so thankful.

It's just a cough.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Don't worry about it.

You make me feel awesome.

I'm gonna give you a tight ass.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You're used to getting a cough.

You're used to getting a cough.

I never get a cough.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Here's your next load.

Oh no.

Oh no.

I'm so sorry.

Oh yes.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

That was definitely worth the money.


  • 338,422
  • 10:07